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2024 Inaugural International Masterclass Series Annual Staccato! Student Recital 2024
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STACCATO! specializes in teaching classical music to children and adults in fun, creative and unconventional way.

At STACCATO!, we believe classical music can be enjoyed by all ages and we focus not only on developing music competence in our students but also in creating an enjoyable holistic learning experience by cultivating an appreciation and love for classical music.

We choose the name Staccato! to reflect our sense of excitement, vibrancy, energy and passion for music.

We chose the name STACCATO! to reflect our sense of excitement, vibrancy, energy and passion for music. In musical notation, the Italian word "staccato" (literally means detached) indicates that notes are separated in a detached and distinctly separate manner. Notes identified as staccato are played or sung abruptly and short, often to convey a sense of excitement or playfulness. The term "staccato" can also be applied to things that occur in rapid bursts such as staccato applause.

Our logo of a flamboyant staccato note is a pictorial reflection of our unconventional, fun and creative approach towards classical music. At STACCATO!, we teach "Classical with Creativity" ! The colourful logo also captures the diversity and multi-cultural aspects of our classical and world music curriculum.

Why is STACCATO! unique?

We believe classical music can be enjoyed by all ages. Our early childhood music and movement lessons are specially tailored for children starting as young as 1 year old - in fact, we extend 'The Mozart Effect' beyond the womb. We also offer keyboard courses and a more advanced level of education in piano to children and adults.

We focus not only on developing music competence in our students but also in making it enjoyable and exciting for students to learn about different aspects of classical music such as understanding the music compositions, history and lives of the composers. We encourage our students to bring out their creativity through improvisation, composition and performance.

At STACCATO!, we teach classical music with creativity! We defy conventional myth that classical music is difficult and boring. Through our unique and creative teaching methodology, learning classical music is enjoyable, exciting and fun!

There is a musician in each and every one of us.

We believe classical music can be enjoyed by every individual of all ages. At STACCATO!, we have a wide range of programs and lessons that are developmentally appropriate for different age groups and levels of musicianship.

Learning classical music is more than just achieving the desired level of music competence.

At STACCATO!, we seek to develop not only the necessary musical skills, but also to cultivate a passion for classical music in our students. Our creative and teaching approach makes it fun and interesting for students to acquire an understanding and appreciation of the history, lives and music compositions of various composers in different music eras. In addition, we encourage the expression of creativity through music and movement, performance, improvisation and composition.

The involvement and encouragement of parents is essential to a child’s musical growth.

STACCATO! believes that parent-child interaction is one of the most critical elements in the development of a healthy and happy child especially during the first few years of the child’s life.

The STACCATO! Early Childhood Music Curriculum is specifically designed to engage young children and provide parents with tools to help exp ose their little ones to the world of classical music in playful and interactive ways, inspiring a child’s natural curiosity.

Our Mission

To provide a holistic learning experience that cultivates not only music competence but also love, enjoyment and appreciation of classical music.

We believe in learning with passion. We are concerned that many music learners are overly caught up and pressurized to achieve a desired level of music competence and they lose the joy and passion for music.

We provide an environment that encourages creativity through improvisation, performance and expression through movement. Our methodology is effective, and at the same time, unconventional in that we design our programs to excite, stimulate and cultivate.

We recognize the role of parents/caregivers in nurturing the passion of children through participation and appropriate guidance. We design our early childhood programs and lessons keeping in mind the need to also educate and equip our parents/caregivers with the ability to guide their children's musical interest and development.

Our Vision

An innovative music school that brings classical music to children and adults of all ages through fun and imaginative approach.

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About Us Review

Our Official Piano Partner
Steinway Gallery - Singapore

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